Beverley's wedding blog

Expect this to be an ongoing commentary on what I've decided on, and what I'm currently
agonizing over deciding. That's what I expect it'll be, anyway!

Daisypath Ticker

Monday, August 22, 2005

Back on that horse

I'm back into Photographer Search mode. Late last night I sent an email to sixteen different photographers (some of whom I'd contacted previously, but many I hadn't) requesting they send me their package rates, and also provide me with a quote for a somewhat arbitrary package I made up to make it easier to compare prices.

I asked for:
- "Full day" photography:
* getting ready
* ceremony
* posed formals in two locations, one of which is the ceremony location
* reception until it becomes "just a party"
- One full set of unmarked matte prints (5x7)
- Negatives or high-quality digital files as appropriate

So far, one has responded that he isn't available that day, one is out of town, two replied with just their regular packages but not my "special request" and three replied with an actual quote for what I requested (although one quoted me 4x6 rather than 5x7).

The least expensive of the five that have responded is one that I met with already (Marcus), and he was my second-favourite after the one that went and got booked by someone else (Martine), so that's promising. Of course, I've only met with one of the other four though (as it happens, Anna is the MOST expensive!) so I might like one of the three in the middle even more than Marcus.

We shall see!


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Stag Rules

A friend at work suggested I should establish some rules for the stag. Here's what she sent me -- it sounds good to me!

  • No one-way tickets on bus, plane, train.
  • No tying, chaining, handcuffing, gluing or otherwising attaching the groom to stationery objects.
  • No tying, chaining, handcuffing, gluing or otherwising attaching the groom to mobile objects, particularly motorized objects.
  • No permanent or semi-permanent alterations to the groom's physical self, including, but not limited to:
    • Tattoos
    • Haircuts
    • Hair dyes
    • Cosmetic surgery, whether done by professional or amateur surgeon

It makes me wonder what happened at her husband's stag.


  • At 2:26 p.m., February 18, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Girlie, how about...
    no tying, handcuffing, glueing, bondage of any sort to any human being!!!!! especially naked females!!!!!

    hope your stagette is fun and memorable ;)


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Friday, August 19, 2005


I'd pretty much decided on a photographer (met her on Wednesday and saw her work and liked her AND her work AND her prices) but was just letting it percolate for a couple of days. She just emailed me today (Friday) to let me know someone else has hired her for that day so she's no longer available.

Now I'm disappointed.


  • At 8:11 p.m., August 19, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    oh no...I'm so sorry to hear that. *pout*

    Well, that just means that she wasn't the right one, everything happens for a reason blah blah blah. But you will find someone awesome and LOVE the pictures. I know this, I feel it. *smile*


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Thursday, August 18, 2005

My to-do list (9 months)

Here's an update to the status of my to-do list I posted on July 7. The wedding is currently just under 9 months away.

To do 12-18 Months Before

    • Determine your budget. Still sticking with the original number. I'm trying to just be reasonable about costs and do a lot of comparison shopping for everything.
    • Make an appointment with your Officiant. Will be meeting with a marriage commissioner in September, as she's busy with August weddings now.
    • Decide on a ceremony location and reserve. Done!
    • Assemble your guest list, remembering to consult both families. Haven't revisited original draft, other than to add people if I think of someone I've missed. Haven't needed to add anyone for a while, so maybe it's done.
    • Decide on a reception location and reserve. Done!
    • Choose attendants. We've decided to (most likely) just stick with two on each side. My two are done. Groom's attendants not decided.

To do 8-10 Months Before (What I should be doing now)

    • Shop for your wedding dress and accessories. Dress shopping was put on hold for a while. Will get back into that soon. Accessories to come after dress decision.
    • Shop for bridesmaids' dresses. To decide after my dress is selected.
    • Select photographer and videographer. In progress - met a photographer I really liked (both her style and her prices!) yesterday. Will consider for a few days before I book her. Not sure about videographer yet, if we'll even hire one. Brooke has suggested renting two cameras and letting guests (e.g. our fathers) do the filming.
    • Select florist. Not started.
    • Select musicians or DJ for ceremony & reception. Brent and James will DJ the reception. I am considering live music for the ceremony.
    • Enroll with gift registry. Underway/ongoing. And fun!
    • Pick a Honeymoon destination. Check if both of you have a current passport and if any inoculations are required. Not started. Passports are current.


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Monday, August 15, 2005


We were out of town for the first week of August and came back to a voicemail from the golf course asking if we could bring in our deposit earlier than previously arranged, because someone else had called interested in the date. Got the message late on Friday, so I called them early Monday and said I'd be there that afternoon.

On our way there with the chequebook, we stopped at the university as we'd been told that there is a nice chapel there, and gardens. Spent about a half-hour there and then booked it on the spot. (Even the time slot we wanted -- 3:00 pm -- was available!)

So now I know exactly when and where we'll be married! It's so exciting! It's unfortunately at least 20 or 30 minutes drive from the ceremony to reception location, but I've been told to allow for two hours for photographs in between, so out-of-town people might want to check out the city then anyway.

I'm now in the middle of trying to select a photographer -- that's my next big goal, then my dress and the bridesmaid dresses. I've kind of taken a break lately from dress shopping, so it'll be good to get back to that. I recently learned about (and then happened to drive past it shortly thereafter) another bridal store in town so I'll have to go check that out one of these days. I can't believe it's just under nine months away now.

I'm (sort of vaguely) considering hand-making my invitations. I took a paper-making course last year (or was it earlier this year?) and have all the stuff to do it, but never actually have made ANY paper. I also took a Chinese brush painting course. So between those two things, I should really be able to come up with something really unique and personal. Or I could just pay someone to do them. :) (I also happen to know I'm kind of lazy, so it's quite likely I'll go that route!) I read something though that suggested putting potpourri in hand-made paper, so that could make it a lot easier right there.


  • At 3:25 p.m., August 18, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I'm making my invites....but wow, the Chinese brush painting...I was going to use the computer...heehehe

    I'm impressed! *smile*


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